What is MOMoT?
How to use MOMoT?
MOMoT is developed for the Eclipse platform and provides a dedicated configuration language providing support for model engineers to configure the search process. MOMoT has been successfully applied on several case studies which showcase how to use MOMoT in a specific scenario. A description about the specific case study, the necessary inputs and the configuration can be found on the respective case study page:
- Stack
- Class Modularization
- Class Diagram Restructuring
- EMF Refactor
- Class Responsibility Assignment (slides and video presented at ICMT 2016)
- Towards Generic Modularization
You can view download the necessary Eclipse plugins projects from GitHub or directly using the Eclipse Update Site. As dependencies you also need to have Xtext and Henshin installed which are automatically retrieved when you use the update site.
Authors and Contributors
MOMoT has been developed by Martin Fleck (@martin-fleck), Javier Troya (@javitroya) and Manuel Wimmer (@manuelWimmer). At this point, we would like to thank the developers of the following frameworks, which we have used in order to develop MOMoT:
- Eclipse Henshin: Henshin is used to formulate the transformation units to manipulate the model.
- MOEA Framework: The MOEA framework provides the basis for formulating the transformation orchestration problem as an optimization problem. It already supports a lot of algorithms which are re-used in MOMoT.
- Eclipse OCL Project: The OCL Project is used to evaluate objectives and constraints specified in the OCL language.
- Eclipse Xbase: Xbase is a statically typed expression language for Java, that is implemented in Xtext and we have used it to implement the configuration language.
Related Publications
- Martin Fleck, Javier Troya, and Manuel Wimmer: Marrying Search-based Optimization and Model Transformation Technology. In Proceedings of the 1st North American Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (NasBASE), 2015. To appear. PDF.
- Martin Fleck, Javier Troya, and Manuel Wimmer: Search-Based Model Transformations. 2016. In Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. Accepted for publication.
- Martin Fleck, Javier Troya, and Manuel Wimmer: Towards Generic Modularization Transformations. In Companion Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Modularity, 1st International Workshop on Modularity in Modelling (MODULARITY), pages 190–195, 2016. dblp, ACM.
- Martin Fleck, Javier Troya, Manuel Wimmer: Search-Based Model Transformations with MOMoT. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Model Transformations (ICMT), pages 79-87, 2016. dblp, Springer.
- Martin Fleck, Javier Troya, and Manuel Wimmer. The Class Responsibility Assignment Case. In Proceedings of the 9th Transformation Tool Contest (TTC), 2016. To appear.
Support or Contact
If you have encountered any problems with MOMoT or have suggestions of how we can improve it, please do not hesitate to contact Martin Fleck.